Brook McDowall


Fashion for me is a way to express yourself with no limits. Nothing you can do in fashion is right or wrong as long as it makes you feel good and confident. Fashion is a part or your identity. For this reason when I leave college I hope to be studying communication and styling because I want my career to involve me making people feel confident and happy in what they wear. What I feel like I do best in my current course is experimenting, trying to find unique ideas and having fun in the process. I am inspired by designers and creators similar to myself who have followed their goals and created an amazing career out of doing what they love. My current collection is inspired by future and current fashion and what the line dividing those looks like, as fashion is constantly changing and we are already wearing what used to be “the future”.

  • Fashion communication or Branding and promotion at Heriot Watt university.

  • Junk Koture National competition – finalist


Riaz Devine


Polly williams