Elise Mccafferty
An overall aesthetic brings atmosphere and vibe into a look, my goal is to be able to set the scene by displaying my creations in a specific vibe. I have designed tailored minimal looks to match my own style, allowing me to understand the designs and aesthetic better as they relate so well to me. I have enjoyed exploring elements of tailoring which led me to bespoke tailoring then haunt couture, this had led me to gain knowledge of how you can create such a simplistic garment yet make them look extraordinary. With my work I create garments that I can capture in digital creative ways, for example these garments may be simple, but they will create such a captivating image or aesthetic with the way I style, position and photograph each of them. putting across such a strong aesthetic can bring my collections and their mood to life. Aesthetic is such an important part to design, it demonstrates that you can not only physically draw and then make a garment, but you can envision what the outer atmosphere will look like including styling elements with both physical and digital techniques, this is what I would like to push my career in as it is such a key element to me in design.
- Glasgow Caledonian in September 2022
- social media collaborations with BOOHOO, MISGUIDED and EGO