Kasey McCormick



The subjective line between what can become a textile and what cannot be is a question that has fueled my passion for textile design these last 2 years. Constantly exploring this idea has heightened my interest in sustainability, has helped me develop my distinctive and crazy art style, giving mundane items a second life by transforming into alternative, sculptural like artworks. 
After completing almost 3 projects independently online, I realized that to create a beautiful mess of a project, careful planning must be involved. Along with challenging myself by coming up with innovative ideas in terms of materials and ways of working and never allowing myself to get too comfortable within a project. Staying to this standard within my work allowed me to be shortlisted in a competition with Stella McCartney. However, I feel like I have only scratched the surface in my capabilities and luckily, I get to investigate my ideas further at Glasgow School of Art. 

Year 3 Entry (Embroidery) at Glasgow School of Art.

Shortlisted for competition with Stella McCartney. 


Michelle Mcburnie


Nagoul Hassan