Claire Fowler



I am determined on the progression of my career change from being a surveyor for 20 years to unleashing my creative side in textiles. Having found a love for weave due to its magical nature of pattern formation, the meditative methods involved in warping & weaving, and the challenges of the process with its infinite outcomes. 
I’m driven to be an expert weaver by the alluring mix of texture, rhythm, colour & form of weaving, within a process-based art form. Motivated by the sense of achievement, learning from the foundations, understanding the ‘why’ and creating beautiful products. 
I gain inspiration daily from the world around me of the built & natural environment, geometrics, cycling & bold colour. 
I’ve core skills of communication, project & time management alongside a natural eye for pattern & colour combinations with the desire the just get stuck into a project & create a beautiful piece of textiles. 

3rd year of Design for Textiles BA at Heriot Watt start Sept 2022; 

Current internships at Iona Crawford interiors and Centre for Advanced Textiles at GSA;


Aideen Brogan


Aimee McCallum